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Good concept and great puzzles! Although sometimes the trampoline jumps feel a bit unforgiving, and it took me a bit to figure out the controls. At the time of writing this I figured out they were in the description, though I feel it is better to explain the controls in-game, personally. Overall, great game, great execution, hope you win.

Thank you very much. The puzzles are a bit meh in my opinion, because this is my very first puzzle game.

(1 edit)

I'm not sure if I'm missing something or something isn't working correctly on my end but I can't get the door to open on the first level. I've tried WASD keys to walk into it, clicking the handle, jumping. I literally can't get the door to open to continue the game. 

From the very little I played though, its a cool concept for a game and I wish I could play more than the first level lol :'(

Edit: Its a lot more fun when you can play more levels. I will say though that the acceleration level was oddly difficult; I kept falling through the board instead of going up but I did get past it.

E to go through the door xD


thank you!! I feel so dumb


Have been trying for a while and cannot figure out level 7 for the life of me, unless im missing a big mechanic ive got no idea how it can be possible - nice game otherwise though :)


I think that's the level where you have to shoot yourself up using the platform. It doesn't always work though because you have to jump at just the right moment. It is possible but it took me like 5 minutes to get the jump just right.